Friday, February 13, 2004

Choices of life

I seem to be reading a lot on what ppl think about choice these days. Choice is all part of life. Whatever decision you make takes you on a different path. And i've been thinking a lot on the decisions i've made and paths i've chosen. And sometimes i wonder if they're really the correct ones i've made. And i do think about the what ifs. 'What if i chose B instead of A?' The classic what if question. Butthen again, my life wouldn't be what it is today, if certain decisions were different. But then, it's always human nature to doubt oneself and to always think the grass is greener on the oterh side. But i supposed i'm happy with my life right now. And i'm thankful for that. I think i'm happiest when i don't have to make a decision. When i can just linger as long as i want in a certain place and not worry about the future. And that's where i am right now. The next fork in my life would be in april when my work bonus comes out and the deciison to stay or leave would have to be made. But for now, i'll hang on to whatever satisfaction that i have and be happy.

And then comes the next part regarding my love life. Today is valentine's day and i'm at home. I guess that doesn't mean anything but this is my very first valentine that i'm really alone. Or at least technically alone. At times, i wonder if it would have been better i i had just sustained my relationship and not want to try something new. Other times, i'm really happy that i decided to call it off. Sigh. But if i suppose if i take a good look at myself, i have to admit that i like whereh i am now in regards to relationships. I guess i've been pretty lucky in the sense that someone's always wanted me. Even now. I guess what i have now is pretty perfect. I mean, i have someone when i need him. And when i just want to be alone, i can be. That's the beauty of having a 'non-relationship'. Looking back at my past relationship (not like there's been a lot) i realised that i've learnt a lot. I've learnt to be more independent. I've learnt that individuals need their own space no matter how much they love you. I've learnt that even I need my own space no matter how much I love that person. I've learnt how important personal space is to indivuduals. And most importantly, i've learnt how important friends actually are in my life.


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