Yay.. I've gone and gotten myself that test. Will be getting a blood test done next week... better safe than sorry...
Apparently I'm very fertile o_O
Have decided to consult a private clinic instead. Sceptical about the nurses in government clinics... they're so obviously not going to be gentle and I'd have to endure embarrassing lectures about having pre-marital sex :P So don't need all that crap right now.
No time to recover from Bangkok! Was forced to go into work extra early the next day even though I had just reached home around 12 am and still needed to shower and unpack! This week has been extremely busy (as usual). Have been leaving the office around 9pm every night! Hopefully by next week, things would slow down a bit for me as I've already finished my report and just have to get through the presentation next week.
Bangkok was a blast! Stayed at the Ascott which was extremely lovely and comfortable. Even though I had to share a room with a colleague but the 4 of us in the 2-bedroom suite was just nice. Adn there was free food! Cans of soft drinks, boxes of milk, oreos and some packets of nuts. Although they don't refill the food but still, it was free! At first we thought we had to pay for them and just stared hungrily at them while waiting for boss for dinner. How stupid we felt when we found out they were free! Forgot to take pictures of the apartment though. But below are some photos taken from their website:

The master bedroom...

Lounge area...

View from the kitchen... obviously our apartment didn't have the fancy bread and salad...
Stuffed myself silly with food during the whole week. Thai food is just extremely delicious. Even though I tell myself not to eat so much, I just can't help trying everything and end up eating till I'm stuffed. So it was always pretty hard concentrating on the training after lunch :)
The shopping was great too. Everything is just so cheap! Shoes, bags, clothes.... you name it. Most of the things are like 199 baht (Pronounced wan nai nai by the salesgirls). I initially changed only about RM400. But then during the week, I got an extra 2000 baht from my boss since he was leaving and changed another RM100 :P Uncontrollable spending!!!
And I haven't drank as much as I did during that week in a long while (minus Voices days). We were drinking every night! And I don't know how but I was suddenly crowned the President of our department alcoholics! Hey, I don't drink all that much, you know! There was one night I was too full after dinner to drink and my boss was like "Did that come from you?" Hmph! My colleagues who couldn't finish their drinks also passed them to me... do I look like a drain? And surprisingly, I didn't get high... Hmm... Have found a new drink... Grey Goose Vodka with Ligo Cranberry Juice and a slice of orange! Mmmm... refreshing!
On a totally different note, I need to get myself checked up. No, I don't have any diseases... Just for my own health. I was in Putrajaya on Tuesday to collect something from a government office and decided to try and make an appointment with the health clinic there to get that check since it will be affordable (note: cheap). Went to the women's health counter:
Me: (all in malay) I want to make an appointment with a specialist to get a test.
Nurse: Oh, you don't need a specialist. Usually for that, a nurse will do it.
Me: Okay. Can I make an appointment then?
Nurse: You don't need to make an appointment. Those tests are done on Thursdays. So you can just come.
Me: Okay, then.
Nurse: Are you married?
Me: Er... no....
Nurse: Oh, if you're not married then you don't need to get that checkup.
Me: Er... (knew what she was getting at)... but I just want to get it checked anyway.
Nurse: Usually we don't do it for unmarried women. Only married ones.
Me: Er... okay... but I just want to get the test anyway. (trying not to laugh)
Nurse: Have you ever been with a man?
Me: (really trying not burst out laughing coz I just found it funny) Yes.
Nurse: Oh.... then you need to get the test. Come on Thursday.
Goodness!!! How naive was that?!?!! Pap smears are only for married women.... (rolling eyes) Why do I get the feeling that I will be lectured by the nurse when she finds out that I'm not married but (GASPS) pernah bersama dengan lelaki!!!
So anyway, am finally making good on that promise I made to my sister to get myself tested. Will be going today or next week. Feeling pretty aprehensive about it. Takut, la...
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