Edit: This post is a bit outdated but what the heck...
Last weekend was about meeting old friends and reminiscing memories shared. The trip back to ole cyberjaya was good even though we were kind of grumbling about it as it was just so very far away. But hanging out in Annie’s apartment, drinking wine, looking at NG’s photos of Indonesia, eating green salad and chatting was good. It was good to just lay back with my friends and talk about everything and nothing. Dinner with Logan and Mohan was also good and though it was just simple pork noodles and ikan bakar, the company was good and the laughter aplenty. The invitation back to Logan’s house was at first turned down as it was quite late and quite far but in the end we relented and all of us convoyed to his house. The treat of mango margaritas on Logan’s newly bought blender and wine was a bonus. Conversation was flowing as was the margarita. I continuously drank the lone bottle of wine and it was all mine. Topics of conversation ranged from local bloggers to music. The fun really started when Logan dug out old photographs of our debating days. Memories long tucked away were once again dredged up as what happens everytime we get together. Stories which have been told and retold a gazillion times were regaled once again and the laughter was never-ending. Each of us have had our own share of humiliating and embarrassing stories but we’re never shy to tell them each time as those times were equally shared with fun and laughter. I have never laughed so hard with them for a very long time. Remembering the times we had as a debating group was bittersweet. I know those times are long gone and that we’ve grown up and moved on but clinging on to those memories make all of us bonded together somehow. Logan got his video cam out and started recording the party after a while. I don’t really remember what transpired that got recorded but I remember laughing a lot. And being a commentator of a wild life show and getting bitten by Logan who was pretending to be a sting ray after Logan, Farrah and Mohan decided to attack me. The party finally broke up at about 4 plus AM after the booze ran out. I drove myself back tightly wrapped with the happy memories I’ve created with my friends and a smile on my face.
Didie’s engagement dinner was simple and easygoing. Dinner was alrite and seeing old friends from uni was good. Looking at who’s going out with who and who’s getting married. Seems like a lot of people are getting hitched. Not like I’m rushing for my turn. *touch wood*
Was home sick yesterday with a slight bout of the runs. A bit of stomach cramps and a lot of running to the toilet. As sick as I was, I still managed to buy more clothes. My excuse is that I haven’t shopped for clothes in a while so it’s alright. In total, I bought 4 skirts, 1 jacket, 1 shirt and a leather handbag. Thank goodness I’m going off to Bahrain in a few day’s time and will live on my allowance hence leaving my salary untouched allowing me to use that money to clear off my credit card bills!
Did my hair over the weekend. The colour came out disastrous. Well, it wasn’t that bad. In fact, I kinda liked it but it just wasn’t suitable AT ALL for work. So I walked out of the salon feeling cool and funky but as the weekend drew to a close, I realised that I really wasn’t THAT confident to be walking into the office with peacock green hair! So I bought myself some blue-black hair dye and re-coloured the bright parts. So now my hair is a very dark brown with dark blue highlights. Pretty alright looking now. Why didn’t I have peacock green hair during my uni days?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
It was around this time last year when I was preparing to go to Bahrain. I remember the excitement of having to go overseas for an assignment, the apprehension etc. Fast forward a year later and here I am back in the same position of preparing to go to Bahrain. Except this time, the excitement and apprehension have worn off. All that's left is a feeling of tiredness and "When is this going to end?"
I came back home after a total of 4 months (collectively) in Bahrain. I reached Malaysian land in April. 6 months later and I'm flying back again. Urgh. I'm not exactly thrilled about going back. The only light in my tunnel right now is the money I will be able to save. The work, on the other hand, is a real chore.
I'm trying to console myself right now and keep reminding myself about the money and the change of environment. However, I will be missing quite a few things with my impending departure.
1. Melissa's coming back home and I most probably won't have time to see her.
2. Mel's hen's night. I've never actually been to a hen's night before so I was really excited about it since I was supposed to be helping out.
3. Company annual dinner. What a bummer. Everyone in the department is around and will be attending and I will have to miss it.
Feeling rather down and out now with my departure date looming closer.
On another note, I'm really wishing well for someone close to me to get the job he is interviewing for. Although it would mean a pay cut for 6 months, prospects are much better and benefits to die for.
I now need a short (knee-length) cheongsam to wear for Mel's wedding as one of the chee-muis. Ish. I probably have to purchase one now. Plus i don't have anything to wear for the wedding dinner yet. Gotta buy a dress for that too.
Anyway, for some viewing memories, some random pictures of happy times and holidays...

Tired but happy in Phnom Penh - 2006

Being ladies futsal champions among all the accounting firms in the Klang Valley - 2006
I can't seem to find my older pictures. Kuantan, Phuket, Bali, Langkawi etc. They're probably somewhere around...
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